李然 Ran Li
Licensed Architect (MA, USA), AIA
李然女士畢業於美國哈佛大學,獲景觀建築學碩士學位。曾任職於美國Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) 建築事務所,擔任資深主創城市設計師。在近十年的從業過程中曾參與並負責了香港國際機場北商務區城市設計、南京江北核心區城市設計、導則及青龍綠帶景觀設計、重慶兩江中央商務區城市設計、重慶悅來國博兩側商務區城市設計、廣州番禺儲備地塊等多尺度的城市設計和規劃景觀專案。
Ran Li is a AIA member and LEED accredited professional. She holds professional architectural licenses in Massachusetts. Ran graduated from Harvard Graduate School of Design with a master degree of landscape architecture. She used to work in Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) San Francisco as a lead Urban Designer. Ran has deeply involved on a broad range of urban design projects, such as HKIA NCD master plan, Nanjing Jiangbei Core Area master plan and green dragon open space design, Chongqing Liangjiang CBD master plan, Chonqing Yuelai Commercial Districts master plan and Guangzhou Panyu Reserved Parcels urban design. City is the basical physical structure for modern civilization.
A successful urban design is based on the comprehensive understandings of its context, culture, climate and ecological conditions, as well as the control of details and scale. A human-oriented, resilient and sustainable urban design framework will be the key to achieving a more efficient and sustainable cities in the future.
獎項 Awards
2022 大湾区城市设计大奖优异奖 Outstanding Award for Urban Design in the Great Bay Area in 2022
2019 重庆市优秀城乡规划设计一等奖 1st Class Award of Outstanding Urban Planning and Design of Chongqing in 2019
2019 綠色優良設計獎 Green Good Design Award
2019 芝加哥雅典娜建築與設計獎 2019 Chicago Athenaeum
2018 星火國際設計獎 AllSpark Award
2017 度全国优秀城乡规划设计奖城市规划类三等奖 3rd Class Award of Outstanding Urban Planning and Design of China in 2017